Webinar 13 April 2021: 2020 Cefor hull fleet and casualty trends
19.03.21, StatisticsRecording and presentation are now avilable.
No all-clear signal for fires. An analysis of fleet and casualty trends in the light of Covid-19.
In this webinar, Cefor analyst Astrid Seltmann provided an in-depth analysis of vessel portfolio and casualty trends at year-end 2020. The trends are derived from data compiled by Cefor in the Nordic Marine Insurance Statistics (NoMIS) database.
Presentation by Astrid Seltmann
Astrid highlighted how the Covid-19 pandemic influenced global trade and shipping, and in turn marine insurance, and to which degree this is reflected by the Cefor vessel value and casualty trends. Vessel segments reacted differently to the 2020 situation. The NoMIS data were therfore analysed by vessel segments as well as casualty types and related to vessels' activity levels.
Astrid shared the latest insights with the audience, with particular focus on fire trends which have been of increasing concern to the industry in recent years:
- Casualty trends for partial and major claims and total losses
- Hull claims in the context of world fleet and vessel value trends
- Claims frequency versus vessel activity and vessel speed
- Fires - no all-clear signal