2011 IUMI Conference, Paris 18-21 September

The Facts and Figures Committee set the scene on the opening day with an overview over the macroeconomic environment, the shipping market and the global marine insurance market and some "facts and figures" about piracy.

Facts and Figures Committee reports
as presented on Monday 19.09.2011, by F&F Committee chairman Ms. Patrizia Kern and vice-chairman and Cefor analyst Ms. Astrid Seltmann. Including addendum with data tables for premium by country and reported claims ladder statistics with loss ratios for underwriting years up to 2010.

IUMI 2011. Global Shipping Market Trends (Patrizia Kern)

IUMI 2011. Global Marine Insurance Report (Presentation)Additional Graphs (Astrid Seltmann)

Further data updates as released by the Facts and Figures Committee at the IUMI Conference: 
Cargo Fact Sheet 2011

Energy Fact Sheet 2011

Hull Fact Sheet 2011, Comment

Repair Cost Index - Updated 2011