Special focus analyses



An overview over special focus analysis derived from data compiled in the Nordic Marine Insurance Statistics database, sorted by topic and year of publication. In addition ot the standard hull claims and portfolio trends the focus of below analysis is to throw more light on special issues of interest. 

The analyses were also published as part of the Cefor Annual report or June hull trends update, which are issued in April and August each year.

Vessel CO2 emissions

  • 2024: Vessel CO2 emissions & activity
    Analysis of vessel CO2 emissions over the period 2021-2023, by vessel age, type and activity. Aspects covered are absolute emissions, the alignment with net-zero emission reduction trajectories as set out by IMO, and a potential correlation between emissions and claims.
  • 2023: Vessel CO2 emissions
    Analyses the CO2 emission alignment against the 100% reduction trajectory by vessel type, age and distance sailed.


Claims frequency versus vessel speed

Geography of claims

Detentions - Indicators of casualties

Change of owner or flag

Layup - Impact on claims frequency

Spotlight on vessels built in Asia

Terminology of claims/casualties for analysis