Ratification of 2010 HNS Protocol in Norway
01.06.18, Industry PolicyThe Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security has invited comments to a consultation paper proposing ratification and implementation into law of the 2010 HNS Protocol.
The full name of the Convention is the "International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996".
The Convention introduces a two-tier system for compensation to be paid in the event of accidents involving hazardous and noxious substances at sea. Tier one will be covered by compulsory insurance taken out by shipowners, who will be able to limit their liability. For the second tier, to be used if insurance does not cover the incident or the claim is above the liability limit under tier one, compensation will be paid out from a Fund made up of contributions from receivers of HNS.
More information about the Convention is available from the IOPC Funds webpage.
Cefor has previously supported the introduction of an international liability regime for HNS. The 2010 Protocol addresses some practical problems that prevented many States from ratifying the original Convention.
Cefor gave its support to the consultation paper in a letter dated 2 July 2014.